Mt. Rainier, DC 7-17-04

Mt. Rainier as seen from the southeast. We climbed the Disappointment Cleaver route, which is on the right side of the mountain in this photo.

Our climb from high camp began in the middle of the night. We encountered these knee-high suncups just above DC.

Climbers on the upper mountain, zigzagging their way to the top.

A huge crevasse at about 13,000'.

We took some time to explore the summit steam caves. They are created by the steam and sulfur gas that comes up through the crater. The fumes can be dangerous if they are concentrated.

At this point the cave is about 10' high and 20' across.

This picture was taken without a flash. The blue light is filtering down through the thin ceiling. A person could spend hours and hours exploring the caves.

Jim, his son Jordan, Doug and James on the summit. It was another great adventure, exploring creation with good friends.

Mt. Hood 5-31-04

We Chose Mt. Hood for our first volcano climb of the year. It is a good early season climb. While we were down sleeping at the Mazama Lodge, a storm was plastering the mountain with a heavy layer of snow and rime ice. Climbers can be seen ascending through the Pearly Gates.

James at the bergschrund.

Dennis a few yards from the summit. The storm had deposited these incredible ice formations all over the upper mountain.

This photo was darkened to show the huge wing-like features that we were walking through on our way to the summit.

Dennis, James (and Doug) at the highest point in Oregon.