Mt. Adams, North Ridge 6-28-09

The Northwest side of Adams as seen from our high camp. The North Ridge is the one on the left edge of this photo. Our camp for this climb was at 6,900' and had running water!

Emily, Tania and Mark heading up the lower snowfields towards the ridge.

A small lake at 7,500'.

The upper part of the North Ridge.

Tania crossing over the ridge.

Taking a break, having a snack and staying hydrated.

Jason climbing a unique lava formation near 10,000'.

Ascending some scree high on the ridge.

We all made it to the top under clear skies. Doug, Mark, Tania, Emily and Jason. Congratulations to the 3 newcomers.

Tania descending beside the lava formation.

A couple of mountain goats at home on the colorful slopes.
It was nice to finally climb a different route on this mountain. The terrain, greenery and wildlife made it seem like it was a different mountain altogether.

Mt. Si 6-13-09

Mt. Si is the big hill, with the rocky top, right behind North Bend. For the most part, it is a hike on a dirt trail in the shade of tall evergreens. There is an inviting feature at the top called the Haystack. It consists of a few hundred feet of easy rock scrambling. It is fun to weave your own route to the top. For some reason it seems steeper on the way down.

The clouds rolled in as we reached the top. Pictured are: Dennis, Sabrina, Dave, Cody, Doug, Bethany, Danielle and Jim.