Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier 7-24-05

The Emmons Glacier on the northeast side of Mt. Rainier.

James basking in the early morning alpenglow. Camp Schurman and Steamboat Prow are far below.

The extreme weather high on Rainier creates beautiful features like the wind sculptured snow in this photo.

Climbers crossing the snow and ice filled crater.

Doug, James, Dave and Robert on top.

Mt. Adams 6-18-05

Our group at the Cold Springs trailhead. We had our usual spaghetti feed for dinner on Thursday. Rain, then freezing rain, fell on us that night.

We had to hike up through fresh snow to get to our high camp at Lunch Counter. It got cold and windy and then snowed some more on the second night. Everyone was pretty worn out after two hard nights. The weather was still unsettled on Saturday morning.

Out of the 29 climbers that started this climb, only 7 toughed it out and made it to the top!