Mt. Rainier, Emmons Glacier (attempt) 8/12/18

Our summer climb on the Emmons Glacier ended up being more like a fall climb.  It was icy, heavily crevassed and we were treated to 2 hours of snow and freezing rain at high camp. Our tents got covered in ice. 

We started for the top at 1:30 am and wasted a lot of time looking for a way through a giant maze of crevasses in the dark. We were way behind a safe schedule and still had a lot of route finding between us and the top, so we decided to turn around at about 11,000'. 

That's the way it goes. Spending a couple of days with friends in an amazing part of creation is never a total loss.
Jim, Dan, Chris, Joe, Ron and Doug setting out on our adventure.
 A lenticular dome over the mountain as we approached Camp Schurman.
An alpine sunrise
Not many people get the chance to watch the sunrise from a point above the clouds and surrounded by huge crevasses!
  Working our way back down the icy glacier through the maze of crevasses.
 Doug, Ron, Dan, Joe and Chris almost back down to high camp.

A steep snowfield and ice cave near the Inter Glacier.