Enchantment Lakes 7/17/21

Some people say that the Enchantments are the most beautiful place in the lower 48.  It is almost impossible to get an overnight permit, but you can dayhike it without one.  Be sure to get fit, leave early and bring a headlamp.  It is about 17 miles and 7,000' of elevation whether you do the traverse or go out and back like we did.  We have done the traverse before and did not get much out of the 9 mile walk in the woods at the end.  I would rather see all of the amazing things again on the way back, even though it means descending Aasgard.
A knee-high baby goat.
Mountain Goats above Crystal Lake.
Ellen (9), Alex, Nathan, Marney, DaLynn and Doug above Inspiration Lake.
Perfection Lake and Little Annapurna.
It's the "keep your feet dry" challenge.
Flowers on an island in the creek.
The sun setting behind Colchuck Lake.  

The plan was to see as much as we could, make it back down to the better trails before it got dark and then hike out by headlamp.  We got home really late, but it was worth it!